There has been many other precision engineering services being used for the sake of finishing the metal products by using coating techniques among them Zinc Phosphating is used against corrosion and as pre-treatment for steel and Aluminium surfaces, prior to painting or oiling for cold flow pressing. Zinc phosphate coatings for iron and steel are used as oil based corrosion inhibitors. They are also used as a paint base. Attractive black finishes and a corrosion resistant finish is available when sealed with one of oil based corrosion inhibitors.
• Microcrystalline zinc phosphate by immersion or spray. A calcium modified formulation which produces a fine-grained crystalline coating on iron and steel. It remains fine grained regardless of the cleaning method used prior to application. It is an excellent paint base and the fine-grained, low-porosity coating reduces paint consumption. Parts have some “bare” rust protection, so they do not have to be painted immediately.
• Heavy zinc phosphate for steel with a coating. The absorptive coating is an excellent base for the preservation of oils and rust preventive coatings.
• Low temperature heavy zinc phosphate for steel with good iron and sludge control. The oil absorptive coating is an excellent base for the protection of the rust preventives.
• Black zinc phosphates are produced on steel by using phosphorus as a pre-dip prior to zinc Phosphating with some other phosphates.
In addition to Manganese phosphate, precision engineering companies offers iron phosphate and zinc phosphate finishes.
Any unfinished ferrous metal, black oxide or phosphate finish is not complete without rust prevention and sealant top coat. The Lone Star LWD precision engineering company offers a wide selection of top quality corrosion inhibitors and rust prevention solutions.
• Microcrystalline zinc phosphate by immersion or spray. A calcium modified formulation which produces a fine-grained crystalline coating on iron and steel. It remains fine grained regardless of the cleaning method used prior to application. It is an excellent paint base and the fine-grained, low-porosity coating reduces paint consumption. Parts have some “bare” rust protection, so they do not have to be painted immediately.
• Heavy zinc phosphate for steel with a coating. The absorptive coating is an excellent base for the preservation of oils and rust preventive coatings.
• Low temperature heavy zinc phosphate for steel with good iron and sludge control. The oil absorptive coating is an excellent base for the protection of the rust preventives.
• Black zinc phosphates are produced on steel by using phosphorus as a pre-dip prior to zinc Phosphating with some other phosphates.
In addition to Manganese phosphate, precision engineering companies offers iron phosphate and zinc phosphate finishes.
Any unfinished ferrous metal, black oxide or phosphate finish is not complete without rust prevention and sealant top coat. The Lone Star LWD precision engineering company offers a wide selection of top quality corrosion inhibitors and rust prevention solutions.
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