Blog" is an abbreviated version of "weblog," which is a term used to describe web sites that maintain an ongoing information. A blog features diary-type commentary and links to articles on other Web sites and having range from the personal to the political, and can focus on one narrow subject . SEO Company mostly involves in using blogs including blog commenting and creating on free blog host.
- Structured content – Blog software with category features allows the aggregation of content according to themes. This makes it easier to categorize content. If you can make it easier for search engines to understand your content, you have a much better chance of top ranking.
- Crawlable URLs – Most blog software offers uncomplicated URL structure, making it fairly easy for search engine spiders to find and crawl blog content.
- Internal links – Blogs that post product or service related information can deep link anchor text to product information or purchase pages deep within the web site. This is very beneficial for ranking on long tail phrases.
- RSS – Links to RSS feed URLs that use the blog domain name will assist in building link popularity and when RSS content is syndicated or cited by other blogs, any embedded links will also assist in sending traffic.
- Fresh content – Both readers and search engines reward fresh content with repeat visits. From a search engine perspective, that means your site can be crawled more frequently, allowing your new content to become searchable more quickly. Fresh content is also indicative of a more authoritative web site.
- Active community –An active blog community creates the kinds of signals from other sites (annotated and contextually relevant links) that search engines tend to reward in the rankings. Non-Search traffic the greatest benefit of having an active blog has little to do with improving your search engine rankings
- Blog & RSS Directories –Web sites without feeds (your competition maybe?) are not included in these kinds of directories and search engines.
Comments and trackback features in blog software encourage interaction with other social networks and a lot of traffic received as a reward.